Yusen Logistics Hong Kong will establish and start operating its own container freight station (CFS) for air export cargo in the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA)-operated Dongguan Humen Bonded Logistics Park (BLP), known as the "Airport City" project.
The company said it is the only logistics solution provider to operate its own CFS in the Airport City project, which was developed to promote economic development.
Yusen Logistics has been involved in the project since its inception. In October last year, it began providing a new solution that transports cargo directly from the BLP in China to the island-based HKIA directly by feeder vessel and loading it on aircraft.
Promoted by the Hong Kong Airport Authority (AAHK), the BLP is positioned as a logistics base station for air cargo in the Greater Bay Area, and is expected to play a role as a base of intersection connecting the Greater Bay Area to all of the world, making it easy to access not only from Guangdong Province but also from inside and outside China.
“By opening our own CFS in Dongguan Humen BLP, we will manage our customers' important cargo safely, securely, and provide optimal supply chain logistics services connecting the Greater Bay Area with the world, said Yusen Logistics.
Last month, Cathay Pacific Cargo and the Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal become the first carrier and first cargo terminal operator to have cargo shipments accepted in Dongguan and transported to HKIA by ship for outbound airfreight, enabling full upstream sea-air intermodal export cargo handling between the Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong.