WCA, the independent freight forwarder alliance, is developing what it says is the world’s first dedicated e-commerce logistics network, open to all those involved in the cross-border e-commerce supply chain.

The new network was created, WCA said, “in response to the changing global economy and a marked shift towards online consumerism”.

David Yokeum, founder and chairman of WCA, commented: “By 2020 it is projected that freight forwarding will be 20 per cent eCommerce driven.

“Our decision to become involved in e-commerce is a direct result of these projections.

“Our utmost concern is that network members are supported, and provided with the tools and opportunities necessary for them to become leaders in e-commerce logistics.”

Launched in mid-October, by late November over 100 logistics companies had already applied for membership.

“The response has been phenomenal,” said Dan March, WCA’s chief executive.

“We have been approached by a number of the world’s largest internet retailers and online marketplaces, all wishing to employ the network to meet their ambitious international expansion plans for B2B (business to business), B2C (business to customer) and C2C (customer to customer) business.”

The WCA e-commerce network is open to all independent freight forwarders regardless of their knowledge or experience in the sector. A neutral platform, it promotes product development, new partnerships and business growth in the eCommerce sector.

Next year, WCA envisages introducing a range of additional offerings in this area, including comprehensive eCommerce shipment insurance, a range of innovative e-commerce-specific IT solutions, preferred rates on global and domestic last-mile and courier deliveries, and regional eCommerce consolidation programmes.

WCA has a total of 6,283 member offices in 189 countries around the world. It was founded in 1998 by Yokeum.