Virgin Atlantic Cargo is partnering Heathrow’s Animal Reception Centre (HARC) in a trial of a ‘check before you fly’ service for travelling pets.

Until now, pets – and their owners – have had to endure the stress of not knowing if they meet the entry requirements of the UK Pet Travel Scheme until they arrive in the UK. But under the trial, from April, it will be possible to correct any errors or obtain additional information before travel.

The airline’s director of cargo, John Lloyd, said: “Carrying pets is an important part of our business. Giving customers the opportunity to have all of their pets’ paperwork checked prior to travel is a very welcome initiative. It will not only give pet owners peace of mind, it will also speed up the process of them being reunited with their pets on the day of arrival.”

Virgin Atlantic Cargo was the first airline to be approved to fly pets direct from the US to the UK under the UK Pet Travel Scheme in 2003, and has carried over 20,000 animals since the service was launched. It includes booking, collection, and clearance to reuniting pets with their owners.