Just when you thought you'd seen it all, air cargo handler Hactl has produced a pop song (see live video below).

The idea for the song came when chief executive Mark Whitehead decided it would be good to create a memorable highlight for the company's 40th anniversary staff party.

The song was developed by Hactl staff who composed and then spent eight weeks rehearsing it, before delivering an "emotionally charged" performance at the party, bringing everyone to their feet.

Victor Leung, senior supervisor of Hactl’s Service Delivery team, composed the music and song structure, with professional help on the lyrics.

The singers – none of whom had ever performed in public before - were Matthew Tang, senior manager - terminal services, Steven Tang, manager - terminal services, Lawrence Cheung, manager - business development, Hacis, C.M. Ho, service performance officer, Hacis and Victor Leung.

They were supported on stage by a professional band.

Whitehead says: “I just thought it would be a nice idea for the party, and left the staff to work on the details.

I didn’t expect them to get so enthusiastic about the project, or to put such strength of feeling into

“The live performance at the party brought the house down. The words and delivery so clearly came straight from the singers’ hearts. To realise how proud they all are of Hactl was a humbling experience, and it brought a lump to my throat!

And it doesn't end with the live performance: “The Hactl Family are proud of their new company song, which so clearly expresses the core values, team spirit and vision of Hactl. So we have commissioned a professional studio version,” said Whitehead.
