ULRICH Ogiermann (near right), former chief executive officer and now special advisor to Cargolux, and Robert Van de Weg (far right), senior vice-president sales and marketing, have pleaded guilty to cargo price fixing. Cargolux itself pleaded guilty in May 2009 and paid a fine of $119 million.

According to the charges, Ogiermann was involved in fixing fuel and security surcharges from October 2001 to February 2006, and Van de Weg from December 2003 to February 2006.

They will now both serve 13 months in a US prison and each pay US$20,000. They have also agreed to help the US Department of Justice (DoJ) with its on-going and financially lucrative investigation. To date the DoJ – not counting the other national agencies that have brought similar charges – has fined airlines $1.8 billion for ‘price fixing’.

Martine Scheuren, head of corporate communications for Cargolux, said the company regretted the outcome for Ogiermann and Van de Weg but acknowledged their plea was a way to bring the ordeal to a controlled close for them and the company.

“The charges against Ogiermann and Van de Weg relate to conduct they undertook on behalf of the company and do not allege that they derived any personal benefit from the activities in question,” she added in a statement.