SHIPPER Uniliver BestFoods could be fined US$77,000 by the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for allegedly violating hazardous materials regulations.

The FAA alleges the company sent a fibreboard box containing a pump bottle of flammable liquid styling spray and three aerosol cans of flammable gas hair spray for shipment by FedEx to Bolingbrook, Illinois, in November, 2012.

Employees at integrator FedEx’s sorting facility at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport discovered the bottle had leaked inside the package, says a statement.

The FAA alleges that the package “was not declared to contain hazardous materials and the materials were not properly classed, described, packaged, marked, labeled and in proper condition for shipment under the hazardous materials regulations”.

The FAA says that the company did not provide emergency response information with the package and did not ensure hazmat training for each of its employees.

Unilever BestFoods is scheduled to have an informal meeting with the FAA this month.