THORSTEN Neumann (right), head of security central Europe, Middle East & Africa for Nokia, has been re-elected as chairman of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region.

TAPA EMEA has elected a new board of directors who will also serve a two-year term of office.

David Reid of TNT has been re-elected as vice-chairman. As well as standing in for the chairman when required, he has responsibility for membership, He will also participate in the advisory board of the LABEL project, the EU initiative for the creation of secure parking areas in Europe. George Wiessing of HP will continue in the role of treasurer.

Jason Breakwell of Rutges Cargo assumes additional responsibility for Board Strategy in addition to his existing role of PR lead for the association, while Gilad Solnik of DHL Express will continue his responsibility for TAPA’s Incident Information Service, a crime intelligence tool used by TAPA members and law enforcement agencies across Europe.

Tony Kavanagh of Sandisk is a newcomer to the Board, taking responsibility for training, while as conference lead, Mark Schwarz of Eurowatch will continue to manage TAPA EMEA events, including additional focus on local TAPA ‘mini conferences’ in specific markets to increase local awareness and membership.