Triumph Group in the US has signed an agreement with Boeing to provide major structural assemblies for the aircraft manufacturer's B767 programme.

The work contracted to Triumph Aerospace Structures includes the production of horizontal stabilisers, doors, aft fuselage and center wing sections for both the B767 freighter and KC-46A Tanker variants.

“The expansion of our scope of work on the 767 program is another important stepping stone in our collaboration with Boeing,” said Peter Wick, executive vice president of Berwyn, Pennsylvania-based Triumph Aerospace Structures.

“By supporting multiple 767 configurations, we can improve efficiencies and further reduce costs in alignment with Boeing’s Partnering for Success initiative. Our recent consolidation of Triumph’s Precision Components and Aerospace Structures business units made it possible to deliver greater value to Boeing on a program that is both profitable and growing in production rate.”

Additionally, Triumph’s aftermarket business, Product Support, partners with airline and freight carriers to repair flight control surfaces, doors, panels and other structural components for the B767 commercial fleet.

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