TIACA has revealed a new vision for today’s business environment: “a forward-looking approach to representing, supporting, and informing every element of an efficient, modern, and unified air cargo industry”.
That approach is set to include more training, consultancy and advocacy, alongside collaboration with other organisations and government bodies around the world.
For instance: “TIACA members are already benefitting from our new agreements with associations in Latin America, Africa, North America, and Asia, and we will focus on further developing these ties,” said Vladimir Zubkov, TIACA secretary general.
At the same time, TIACA intends to maintain a local focus as well as setting up member clusters based on industry segments – airlines, airports and ground handlers, for instance – that will concentrate on specific issues with the aim of benefiting the industry as a whole. Knowledge sharing is key to TIACA’s vision for a sustainable, healthy air freight industry..
Sebastiaan Scholte, TIACA chairman and chief executive of Jan de Rijk Logistics, said: “The logistics landscape is rapidly evolving and disruptive business practices are challenging us to innovate; there has never been a more relevant time for TIACA to take the lead.”
Ram Menen, one of TIACA’s founding members and president and chairman of the board in 1995-6, was among the industry experts involved in the think tank that developed the new vision. Echoing Scholte, Menen said: “The dynamics of air cargo has had a major makeover the past years.
“In keeping with this evolution, it is important for TIACA to stay relevant and show leadership in catalysing the change needed to embrace the new norm,” Menen emphasised.
TIACA will also launch a new logo and website later this year.