AV CARGO Airlines has added a third MD-11F to its fleet and may add two more.
The latest aircraft has positioned into Jakarta for a heavy C check and repaint into AV Cargo livery and is expected to enter service at the end of next month.
“Our plan from inception last year was to operate with three MD-11 freighter aircraft. Our activities are on track. In addition we are now in negotiations for options on a further two aircraft,” reveals Simon Clarke, chief executive of AV Cargo Airlines.
The cargo airline’s scheduled routes now concentrate on the niche markets of West Africa. Initially concentrating on the core gateways of Lagos, Bamako, Pointe Noire, Port Harcourt, Freetown and Ouagadougou, the airline has grown organically over the last 12 months.
The first MD-11 entered service in May 2013 with the second in September. The extra capacity has brought additional cargo and thus new destinations. Both Malabo and Kinshasa are now offered as scheduled routes with Dakar to be included in the next few weeks.
“The additional aircraft will allow for more opportunities to provide charter solutions, whilst maintaining the integrity of the scheduled services,” he adds.