One of Swissport's electric vehicles

One of Swissport's electric vehicles

Ground handler Swissport has committed to increase the share of electric vehicles in its fleet to at least 50% to further reduce its carbon footprint and to improve the direct working environment of its employees.

Following the publication of its latest sustainability report, the handler said it would reduce the use of fossil-fuel powered vehicles in favor of more efficient and environmentally friendly Ground Support Equipment, especially electrically powered vehicles (eGSE).

Between 2016 and 2018, Swissport increased the number of eGSE from 925 to 2,420 vehicles, among them electrical cargo lifters and battery-powered aircraft pushback tractors.

“As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, Swissport is committed to responsible business principles. We integrate sustainability into our decision-making,” said Eric Born, president and chief executive of Swissport International.

“Ultimately, sustainable business contributes to positive results and to value creation, increasing our flexibility to invest in environmentally friendly equipment and in social matters. With our ambitious multi-year fleet modernization program, Swissport will further raise the share of electrically powered vehicles to at least 50% by 2025 and continue to reduce its carbon footprint.”

Part of the total investment in state-of-the-art GSE is for the introduction of telematic systems into our global fleet.

Swissport said that telematics helps to improve equipment utilization and contribute to a reduction of the fuel consumption.

"Investing in eGSE can reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and the carbon footprint by up to 40% at some airports, avoids harmful exhaust emissions and noise pollution and creates a healthier working environment for staff," the company said.