Breakthroughs in air cargo quality assessment will help cargo users better select the best suppliers, said the head of the main shippers’ group in Europe.

Writing in the latest TIACA newsletter, European Shippers' Council chairman and TIACA board member, Denis Choumert, said that until quite recently, “the information available to shippers and on which they could rely upon to make such decisions was scarce: mainly market intelligence, outcome of calls for tenders, past experience of theirs or of some related shippers”.

However, he foresees that this will change with the advent of ‘Big Data’. Choumert asserted: “Collecting and processing data from various corporations’ operating systems can be easily achieved once the questions of confidentiality, trust in the utilisation of data, assurance that the data will not be tampered or altered along the way, have been solved in a satisfactory way for all participants.”

IATA had started a “huge and ambitious” programme a few years ago with Cargo iQ and this is creating a standard evaluation of airline and forwarder performance and also benchmarking reports to help them assess their position against competitors.

Shippers are now considering how to interface with this data collection system, how to input data of their own and which key performance indicators are the most important to them by having Cargo IQ analyse their data with that of other stakeholders, said Choumert.

Secondly, TIACA’s Cargo Service Quality (CSQ) programme would give an overall assessment of all service providers in a given airport location, and so evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as assessed by different users including shippers, freight forwarders and airlines.

This would help shippers, “who do not always know in detail what went wrong (with) a given shipment” and would allow them to differentiate between alternate routes.

Choumert added that more details would be unveiled at TIACA’s executive summit in Miami on 18-20 October.