EgyptAir has placed an order with German freighter conversion firm Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) for two A330-200 passenger to freighter (P2F) conversions.
EFW has confirmed the order to Air Cargo News (ACN), although the company said they had no further information to announce regarding the order.
EgyptAir has not replied to ACN's request for comment.
The A330-200Fs will join the existing three A330-200P2Fs, and one Boeing 737-800P2F already in EgyptAir's fleet.
EgyptAir signed a deal with Aeronautical Engineers, Inc. (AEI) for the conversion of the 737-800 in May last year.
Compared to its A300-600 predecessor the A330P2F offers up to 30% more volume and payload at about 20% less fuel burn per ton of payload, according to EFW.
EFW is a joint venture between Singapore-based ST Engineering and France-headquartered Airbus.
Earlier this month, the conversion firm delivered the first of three Airbus A321P2F (passenger to freighter) aircraft to Japan, ahead of its use by Japan Airlines (JAL) and Yamato Holdings on a domestic freighter network next year.
In June, EFW redelivered the 50th passenger-to-freighter (P2F) converted aircraft of its new generation Airbus P2F family programme.