Shannon Airport has started work on a €15 million project to upgrade its runway, the longest in Ireland at 3,199 metres (almost two miles).
The 1961-built runway was last fully rehabilitated in 1983 and has under gone regular maintenance but a full resurfacing of 2,400m is now required.
Work includes the rehabilitation of the runway surface and the replacement of runway edge and centre line lighting with LEDs, ducting, all aimed at ensuring it continues to meet strict regulations governing the operation and specification of runways at major airports. The project is being financed through a loan secured from the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund.
Lagan Asphalt Group is carrying out the work, following a successful bid under an EU tender process.
Shannon group chief executive Matthew Thomas, commented: “Our runway is the airport’s greatest asset and has been the central artery of the airport allowing it to grow over the past four years. We want to see this continue and this why the runway upgrade project is needed to protect this investment.”
He added: “This is a challenging and complex project with work limited to small time periods every night in order to minimise any inconvenience to our customers. The work is very weather. At the end of this project we will possess an enhanced asset that will be key in driving forward our business over the next 25 years.”
Work will commence immediately and will take about 26 weeks to complete. It is scheduled to take place at night, five days a week (excluding Sunday and Monday) and will not impact on any scheduled services.
Start times will vary on each night to facilitate scheduled services, with night works being completed by 6.00 am each morning in order to accept the arrival of the early morning wave of transatlantic flights and European flight departures.