Passive air cargo container firm Peli Bio Thermal has launched Credo Cargo, a new re-usable passive product that allows entire pallets of temperature sensitive cargo to be loaded.

Speaking on the side lines of the Temperature Controlled Logistics event, director of worldwide marketing Adam Tetz explained that the company already had a re-useable system for larger amounts of cargo – the Credo Xtreme and modular Coolpall Vertos – but this needed to be loaded by hand.

In contrast an entire ISO pallet of cargo can be loaded into Credo Cargo using a pallet truck. In total, the unit has a volume 1856L and covers temperature ranges of 2C to 8C, 15C to 25C and –20C.

Tetz said the container can either be rented or purchased outright and can be re-used between 25 and 50 times.

It offers temperature protection for up to 120 hours and has an easy to use coolant loading system that is flat-pack, modular and stackable.

The units can also be broken down allowing one unit to fit in another to reduce costs on the return leg of a journey.

Peli BioThermal president David Williams said: “The Crēdo Cargo is a pallet accepting shipper, so it’s load and go of the payload from a client’s temperature controlled warehouse into the protection of the Crēdo Cargo and safe transit on to the final destination.”

The launch of Credo Cargo comes shortly after the company unveiled its CoolPall Vertos Advance system earlier this year. Tetz added that the company was hoping to launch other products later this year.