AF KLM Cargo and Bos Logistics partner on electric truck

AF KLM Cargo and Bos Logistics partner on electric truck


Air France KLM Martinair Cargo (AFKLMP) and trucking firm Bos Logistics are utilising an electric truck for the delivery of cargo.

Sent by Liege Airport with press release 28/8/24 no copyright specified

Liege Airport looks to enhance road-rail connectivity


Liege Airport has invested in Liège Logistics Intermodal (LLI) as the two firms look to enhance rail and road connectivity with the Belgian airport.

Photo: Georgi Group. Supplied via Meantime Communications. 26/07/2024

Georgi upgrades to Hermes cargo management technology


Hermes Logistics Technologies (HLT) has rolled out its latest cargo management system (CMS) for the Georgi Group in Frankfurt.


Road feeder providers rally around demand


Road feeder services heavyweights Wallenborn and Jan de Rijk discuss how air cargo market trends are impacting the sector and why e-commerce has its drawbacks.