Air Incheon becomes IATA member

Cargo carrier Air Incheon applies for new US routes


Air Incheon has applied for a permit to carry out scheduled and charter flights to the US as it continues to expand its operations worldwide.

Photo: Oleh Yatskiv/ Shutterstock - 2445304947

Global Feeder Services now US GSA for Antonov


Global Feeder Services has become the General Sales Agent (GSA) for Antonov Company in the US as part of a new strategic partnership.


Mexico’s new tariff announcements to put pressure ‘border skipping’


Companies looking to import goods to North America through Mexico are facing rising costs 

ground handling Photo Swissport

Swissport handles SKYhigh cargo at Miami Airport


Swissport has launched a new air cargo ground handling partnership with Dominican Republic-headquartered SKYhigh Airlines at Miami International Airport.