Menzies Aviation Macau IATA CEIV Lib batt

Menzies awarded IATA’s CEIV Li-batt certification


Menzies Aviation has been awarded IATA’s Center of Excellence for Independent Validators Lithium Batteries (CEIV Li-batt)

Source: Jaromir Chalabala / Shutterstock

IATA launches air cargo device assessment programme


IATA has launched an ‘Air Cargo Device Assessment Programme’ with the aim of validating air cargo tracking devices

IATA launches air cargo device assessment programme

IATA launches air cargo device assessment programme


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has launched an 'Air Cargo Device Assessment Programme' with the aim of validating air cargo tracking devices, data loggers and sensor-equipped devices for compliance with industry safety standards.

IATA: Air cargo demand robust in October but outlook less positive

IATA: Air cargo demand robust in October but outlook less positive


Air cargo volumes remained robust in October as traffic was up year on year for the fifteenth consecutive month but the coming 12 months should be viewed with caution, according to IATA.