Lufthansa Group has thrashed out an agreement with the Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) pilots’ union that seeks to establish stability for both passenger and cargo operations.

The members of the VC pilots’ union have accepted the proposal negotiated last week between Lufthansa Group and VC, said Lufthansa Group in a press release on August 10.

The union’s members had been asked to approve a proposed new ‘VTV’ collective remuneration agreement and an ‘MTV’ collective terms of employment agreement for the pilots of the Lufthansa and Lufthansa Cargo airlines, who number some 5,200 personnel.

The new VTV will remain in effect until at least December 31, 2026, and the new MTV until at least December 31, 2027.

Both agreements include a stipulation to "maintain industrial peace" throughout their validity.

The deal will result in an increase of at least 18% in basic remuneration for pilots in the next three and a half years, plus improved working terms and conditions.

“This collective agreement with Vereinigung Cockpit will provide additional stability in our operations and thus also more reliability for our customers," said Lufthansa Group Executive Board Member and Labor Director Michael Niggemann.

“With it, we are improving not only our pilots’ remuneration but also their ability to maintain an effective balance between their profession and their private lives. This new agreement is not easy for us to conclude from an economic perspective.

“But its long-term nature provides Lufthansa Airline with a sound planning foundation for the years ahead, particularly for its intended long-haul growth. The fact that the new agreement was found amicably around the negotiating table strengthens our social partnership, too.”