Lufthansa Cargo fine arts warehouse. Photo Lufthansa Cargo

Photo: Lufthansa Cargo

Lufthansa Cargo has opened a new 155 sq m fine arts warehouse in the Lufthansa Cargo Centre in Frankfurt.

The new facility doubles the space available for curators and collectors of high-value pieces of fine art and is part of the carrier’s ongoing modernisation of its largest airfreight hub that is scheduled for completion in 2029.

The ARTcube benefits from targeted temperature control, optimised lighting and specially trained personnel as well as security technology to monitor and control access. Clients can also book an individual attendant for their fine arts shipments.

Thomas Rohrmeier, head of handling Frankfurt at Lufthansa Cargo, said: “The modern ARTcube combines optimal handling processes with the highest security features. This allows us to meet the special requirements of sensitive art objects and offer customised solutions for the storage of fine arts in our hub.”

Lufthansa Cargo’s ‘Vulnerables’ product is tailored to the transport of high-value and famous fine arts pieces, which it regularly flies to exhibitions around the world.