Supply chain group Logistics UK has welcomed the government's plan to require 10% of jet fuel to be sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by 2030 as part of its Jet Zero strategy.

The UK government launched the new strategy yesterday at the Farnborough Air Show. Also included is a £165m kick starter fund to encourage the development of the country's SAF industry.

“Today’s announcement by government is positive news for the aviation sector," said Logistics UK public policy manager Alexandra Herdman. "In the view of Logistics UK, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) has the potential to be the leading method for decarbonising aviation."

She added: “However, availability and costs must be a key consideration. While the news that pioneering SAF projects can now apply to the Advanced Fuels Fund, and government’s ambition for at least five commercial scale SAF plants under construction by 2025 is encouraging, SAF comes at a greater cost than traditional jet fuel. Rising costs are currently placing an unsustainable burden on the logistics industry, therefore Logistics UK is calling on government to introduce incentives for operators to encourage greater uptake of SAF. "

Logistics UK also called for the Jet Zero Council to include a dedicated airfreight representative.

The Jet Zero strategy builds on the country's Net Zero strategy, the UK’s economy-wide plan for achieving net zero emissions by 2050, as well as the transport decarbonisation plan, which outlines the commitments and actions needed to decarbonise the entire transport system.