APPRENTICESHIPS in logistics skills are on the increase in the UK. Provisional figures from Skills for Logistics (SfL), a UK government-backed scheme, reveal that in 2011/12 a total of 15,670 logistics-oriented apprenticeships started in England.
This is a 29 per cent increase on the number of starts (12,170) in 2010/2011. SfL is licensed by the UK government to tackle the skills and productivity needs of employers in the logistics and supply chain sector.
“This significant increase is great news for the logistics sector because it clearly demonstrates that we are successfully attracting greater numbers of younger people into our industry,” says Dr Mick Jackson, chief executive of Sfl.
Successful apprentices from the scheme have gone on to add value to the UK economy to the tune of some £0.5bn per year between them, as well as bringing their employers the efficiency benefits of employees with up to date and relevant skills.
“By creating apprenticeships in close partnership with employers in the logistics industry we can ensure that that they are built around the high demand for the right kind of skills in the sector,” adds Jackson.
“To encourage more young people into apprenticeships, SfL is working with a number of employers to look at traineeships, or pre-employment programmes, that will help bring young people into the sector.”
He says that promoting the logistics sector as a career option for young people is a key goal.
“These schemes, along with other SfL initiatives due to be launched soon are designed to attract more young people into the sector. In addition to helping to fill the skills gap in our industry they will also contribute to a reduction in the UK’s high levels of youth unemployment.”