LATAM Cargo, the freight wing of Latin American carrier LATAM, flew 274m cargo ton miles in July, down by 9.5% on the same month of 2015.
With capacity as measured by available ton kilometres down by 6.4% year on year, the cargo load factor also declined – by 1.6 percentage points to 48.8%.
While by no means great, the July figures are an improvement of what has come before. For the year to date up to the end of July, the freight carrier flew 1.95bn cargo ton kilometres, down 11.2% year on year.
With the year on year capacity comparison down by 5%, the average cargo load factor over the period fell year on year by 3.5 percentage points to 49.8%.
LATAM Cargo also had a tough first six months to 2016. The airline group saw cargo demand decline by 11.5% during the first six months of the year to 1.7bn cargo tonne km.
It reduced capacity during the period, but this wasn’t enough to offset the fall-off in demand for freight space.