LATAM Cargo has added a new Flex product to its portfolio of services, with the company now offering 19 different options designed to meet the specific needs of different cargo types.
The new product portfolio is initially available from cargo originating in North America and Europe, while implementation in South America will take place gradually and will be concluded in the first quarter of 2017.
As well its Standard and Express service, already on offer, the company will now offer Flex, which is a low-cost solution for shipments that need to arrive at the destination within a more flexible deadline but that also promises a maximum transit time of two, three or four days depending on the origin-destination and clients’ preference.
The company also now offers Pharma, for pharmaceutical products, Alive, for live animal transport, and Protect, for vulnerable cargo.
Cristián Ureta, chief executive of LATAM Cargo, said: “The factor that most influenced our new product portfolio is the current needs of our customers.
“We designed our products aligning these needs with our commercial strategy, which is based on agility, reliability and trust.
Through this product portfolio, with clearly defined service standards, we seek the stable preference of our clients.”
To ensure the success of the new product portfolio, LATAM Cargo underwent an internal transformation over the course of a two-year period.
During this time, the company developed new processes, systems and structures, as well as modified those already existing in order to meet the current needs of customers.
One of the new developments is an IT system that allows LATAM Cargo to manage several commitments at the same time, identifying both the service and the care option selected at the time of booking and to ensure delivery throughout the air transportation chain.
The company also recently allowed two new tracking devices to be used on its aircraft; the Sendum PT 300D and CartaSense U-Sensor, meaning it now approves seven devices.
These customer property devices are inside the cargo bay and allow them to monitor the temperature, humidity, vibration, and other factors that can influence the integrity of the cargo throughout the transportation chain.