Felix Kreutel will take over as head of Fraport’s cargo development and management department on 1 October. He joined the airport operator in 2000 and has, since 2015, been vice-president of the Fraport’s cargo and logistics department.
He will succeed Dirk Schusdziara, who will become head of the commercial affairs department at Fraport’s airside and terminal management, corporate safety and security strategic business unit.
Commenting on his new appointment, Kreutel said: “The Air Cargo industry is currently undergoing enormous changes. The rise of new technologies requires enhanced cooperation among all cargo partners to ensure our competitiveness on the global market.”
Maintaining close contact with our customers ever more important, he said.
Fraport executive board member and executive director operations, Anke Giesen, added: “Felix Kreutel is a very experienced, professional and competent Fraport executive, who is already familiar with the market and our customers.”