ICAO secretary general Dr Fang Liu called on United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to promote greater international awareness and implementation of its new Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) at the UN headquarters in New York on 28 September.

Core objectives of GASeP, which is expected to be approved by the ICAO Council at its next session in November, are to enhance risk awareness and response, establish a better-defined security culture, refine related technologies, foster innovations, and improve oversight and quality assurance while increasing cooperation among member states and organisations.

However, stressed Dr Liu: “It will only be by virtue of sustained political will, especially at the highest levels of government and industry, that the GASeP will succeed.”

Financial support was another area where UN entities can assist ICAO, she added: “To meet the security targets identified in the GASeP, and its associated regional roadmaps, capacity development and technology assistance programmes must expand significantly.”

Other priorities discussed by the Security Council sharing key information on incidents, landside gaps at airports, explosives in portable electronic devices, cybersecurity and portable air defence systems.