IBS Software has signed a five-year contract with Lufthansa Cargo to host and maintain the carrier's iCAP cargo handling application.
After having evaluated the capabilities of hosting service providers on factors such as "application availability, security regulatory and data privacy", Lufthansa Cargo selected IBS Software’s SaaS (software as a service) platform as part of its move to focus on its "core cargo business without compromising on IT operations".
As a result of its partnership, Lufthansa Cargo will benefit from IBS Software's "zero outage" functionality, which enables planned maintenance to be carried out with disruption to Lufthansa Cargo's IT system.
A spokesperson for IBS Software explained: "This unique capability results in operational stability, which is essential to fulfill the customer promise and to provide effective and seamless cargo handling operations around the clock across all time zones without any service disruptions.
"Lufthansa Cargo will also benefit from superior and faster application performance of highly complex cargo business functions and processes. As an example, Lufthansa Cargo processes one million messages per day. Each message will now be processed noticeably faster than before in less than one second on the IBS Software SaaS platform."
Initial running of the system, which operates from IBS Software’s new data centre in Frankfurt, has shown that the SaaS service has exceeded parameters set by Lufthansa Cargo and with service-level agreement compliance.