Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has launched a 'Global Control Center' (GCC) system that aims to help reduce the freighter conversion timeframe.
The GCC system has been developed for managing and monitoring major projects, most notably the international aircraft conversion programmes that IAI conducts in Israel and around the world.
Developed in-house, the now fully operational GCC system is expected to help reduce the conversion time of each aircraft. It is designed to optimise all logistical processes and allows for targeted and horizontal management of errors or challenges.
The system also "offers the ability to present the conversion process in real-time to the company’s customers – both new and existing – in a way that was not previously possible and with a degree of detail that was until recently considered impossible", explained IAI.
GCC is managed from an advanced control and monitoring centre located at IAI’s facility.
IAI chief executive Boaz Levy said: “IAI is delighted to launch the GCC system and mark its entry into full use in the company’s aircraft conversion programs. This is indeed a defining moment that fulfills the goals I set when I began my tenure as CEO of IAI to both increase profitability and improve efficiency and transparency for our customers.
"We expect the system will have a great impact on our activities, both internally and externally, first in the aviation sector and then in other IAI activities.”
Shmuel Kuzi, vice president and general manager of IAI’s Aviation Group, added: “This innovative system will optimize IAI’s conversion programs in an unprecedented way while providing full transparency to the company’s customers.
"Now fully operational, we anticipate a reduction in the working time on each aircraft and to improve the response to our customers while allowing new customers to share in the success and enjoy IAI’s converted freighters.”