Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) has begun survey and preparatory work for the new Airlander 10 production site in the UK.

The work follows an agreement made in March with the City of Doncaster Council (CDC) for the development of the production site at Carcroft Common, Doncaster.

HAV's 50-hectare site will house flagship facilities for Airlander 10’s production, testing and certification operations. The site will have the capacity to produce up to 24 aircraft per year and is expected to establish new supply chains within the South Yorkshire Investment Zone.

Airlander 10, HAV’s first aircraft to market, will be capable of delivering 100-seat passenger mobility, or a ten-tonne cargo payload, or a combination of the two.

The survey and preparatory work for the new production site follows work in partnership with the City of Doncaster Council to prepare for the release of the first instalment of a £7m loan from South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA).

Nick Allman, chief operating officer of HAV, said: “We welcome the release of the first instalment of the £7m loan from SYMCA. Alongside the investment that we are bringing to this programme, it allows our team to progress the planning permission submission for the Airlander 10 production site at Carcroft Common, advancing several steps on our production site such as completing surveys and ground investigations, as well as engaging key design and planning suppliers.

“This is a major step in creating a pioneering facility to assemble fleets of Airlander 10 aircraft, as well as establishing a hub for advanced manufacturing and sustainable aviation in Doncaster, bringing with it new opportunities, jobs and apprenticeships in South Yorkshire.”

HAV has now opened an office at Cavendish Court in Doncaster to establish a presence in the city and provide a base for HAV employees while work gets underway at the Carcroft Common site.

