AIR Cargo News reports on new cargo developments at airports around the world.

In Europe, Manchester Airport (pictured) will be one of the first four enterprise zones under the chancellor’s introduction of 21 new zones. Businesses that are expected to want to locate at Airport City will include logistics, freight forwarders, advanced manufacturers,

In Asia the Palestinian Authority will build a US$340 million international airport between Jerusalem and Jericho to handle civil and cargo flights between the future Palestinian state and abroad in the coming three years.

Hong Kong international airport said cargo throughput rose 6.2 per cent to 369,000 tonnes in March from 347,000 tons a year earlier, driven mainly by double-digit growth in North America.

Mumbai airport has posted a 13 per cent growth in cargo volumes for the April 2010 to March 2011 period despite infrastructure bottlenecks and strikes. The airport handled 440,000 tonnes of international cargo last year.

In the UAE, cargo traffic at Abu Dhabi International Airport rose nine per cent throughout the first three months of 2011.

Nepal is preparing to build its second international airport, scheduled to go into operation by 2015. The Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism said construction would begin in April 2012, with first phase costs estimated at US$650 million.

In Africa, Mozambique is building a US$102 million airport in the northern city Nacala in an effort to expand infrastructure to attract tourists and investment. A new cargo terminal was inaugurated in April at Vilankulo airport.