Frankfurt’s cargo throughput (airfreight + airmail) climbed by 5.3% year-on-year, to nearly 1.1 million tonnes In the first six months of the 2017 business year, said airport operator Fraport in its half yearly report, published on 3 August.

Europe's busiest cargo hub said that cargo traffic continued its growth trend from the second half of 2016, in line with German economic growth.

Fraport’s group revenue rose 10.7% year on year, mainly on the back strong passenger growth and higher revenue from property sales. Frankfurt Airport served 30m passengers in the first half of 2017, a new historic record and exceeding the previous year's level by 4.5%.

Growth also came from the group's Greek arm, which started operations on April 11 2017 and its Lima Airport subsidiary.

Group earnings (EBITDA and EBIT) both increased markedly by 11.0% to €420 million and by 12.2% to €240.7 million, respectively.

Fraport executive board chairman, Dr Stefan Schulte, said: "We are looking back on a successful first half 2017. Our business areas have developed well, both at Frankfurt Airport and our Group airports worldwide."