ETIHAD CARGO and the Worldwide Information Network (WIN) are working together to increase electronic airwaybill (e-AWB) adoption with independent freight forwarders.

The UAE flag-carrier's first US export e-AWB shipment took place on a flight from Chicago to Abu Dhabi, using WIN's online platform.

The forwarder involved, Worldwide Logistic Partners (WLP) in Chicago, submitted its e-AWB information electronically to Etihad Cargo.

Mitch Kamdar, director of WLP, said: “For a long time we have wanted to automate our documentation process. The entire setup took very little effort on our part, most of the things were self-explanatory and WIN supported us step by step to ensure the product shipped on time.

“The WIN initiative is one that will help small-to-medium sized freight forwarders save on costs. A typical small-to-medium sized forwarder does not have the type of system that talks to airlines and which also communicates with agents.”