FEDEX has boosted its 2020 aircraft emissions goal to a 30 per cent cut.
The US based logistics giant announced the move as part of its ‘Global Citizenship Report’, which also publicises its charitable and ethical campaigns.
A Fedex spokesman says the improved goal will be achievable thanks to new freighter aircraft being introduced in 2013 and 2015.
The report details their airfreight plans: “By 2015, we will have replaced all our less-efficient (Boeing) 727s with more fuel-efficient and greater payload 757 aircraft.
“We are also introducing Boeing 777F aircraft, which use 18 percent less fuel than the MD-11 aircraft and provide greater capacity.
“In addition, we are planning to introduce the new Boeing 767 aircraft to our fleet in 2013, which will further contribute to… our new emissions intensity reduction target.”
Fedex calculates its emission goal against its performance in 2005. It had originally aimed for a 20 per cent emissions reduction by 2020.