More than 1,100 DHL Express workers at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) began a strike yesterday that has the potential to cause disruption to express operations.
CVG is the main international hub in the US for DHL Express. The hub facilitates 130 daily DHL flights and is home to a fleet of 60 DHL aircraft.
At CVG, DHL handles shipments bound for the US, Canada, Mexico and Latin America, and processes approximately 50m international shipments annually.
The strike comes during the traditional holiday season for air cargo, when express package volumes are at their peak
Air Cargo News has contacted DHL Express for comment on how the strike action is impacting operations.
The striking ramp and tug workers, which load and unload DHL aircraft at CVG, are part of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters trade union.
According to the union, the workers are seeking new labour contracts because they believe current labour conditions at CVG are unfair.
The DHL workers on strike voted to organise (contract negotiations) with the Teamsters union in April.
The union has been in negotiations with DHL since July. DHL members at CVG are represented by Teamsters Local 100.
"DHL must stop breaking the law and give workers their fair share. They can afford it," said Bill Davis, president of Local 100. "The company forced this work stoppage, but DHL has the opportunity to right this wrong by respecting our members and coming to terms on a strong contract."
Earlier this year, DHL said it would invest $192m in expanding its 194-acre site at CVG with a 305,000 sq ft aviation maintenance facility including additional space for aircraft components storage, offices, three maintenance parking gates, and eight new aircraft gates.
The Teamsters union represent more than 6,000 members at DHL across the US.