All Coronavirus articles – Page 12

  • News

    Chapman Freeborn continues to report charter surge


    Over the past 48 hours, charter broker Chapman Freeborn said it has "experienced a surge in cargo charter requests for humanitarian cargo and medical supplies (typically N95 respirators)" from China into Europe and Africa.This comes after an extremely busy week of EU-US rotations to counter the demand created by passenger ...

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    BUD welcomes Suparna freighter with medical supplies from China


    A Boeing 747F charter flight by Chinese carrier Suparna Airlines transported nearly 70 tons of protective medical equipment from China to Budapest airport (BUD) in Hungary.The shipment included more than 3m face masks, 100 000 coronavirus tests and 86 medical ventilators from China.The aircraft was welcomed on arrival by Hungarian ...

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    Air Canada sets booking policy for cargo-only passenger aircraft


    Air Canada has outlined the cargo-booking policy for its freight-only passenger aircraft flights to Europe, with other flights planned for Latin America, South America and domestic services to remote communities.A spokesperson for the North American carrier said: “The first cargo-only flights departed from Toronto this past week for Frankfurt, London ...

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    Etihad to operate cargo-only service utilising B787-10 passenger aircraft


    Etihad Cargo is introducing a fleet of Boeing 787-10 aircraft as passenger freighters to operate 34 weekly flights, serving 10 markets initially.Each aircraft will provide capacity for 12 lower deck pallets and four containers, carrying up to 45 tons of payload, said the Abu Dhabi-based Middle East carrier which also ...

  • Virgin Atlantic operates first ever cargo only charter ▪  Virgin Atlantic operates its first ever cargo only charter, transporting essential medical and pharmaceutical goods from London to New York

    Virgin Atlantic operates it first cargo-only charter


    Virgin Atlantic has operated its first cargo-only charter amid the operational challenges brought by Covid-19 upon the global aviation industry.Flight VS698 from London Heathrow for New York JFK created history for the airline as the B787-9 passenger aircraft departed with two pilots, one cabin crew member and a hold filled ...

  • ASL Airlines B747F

    ASL Airlines in medical supplies airlift from China to Belgium


    ASL Airlines Belgium is operating 10 B747 freighter flights each week between Liege airport in Belgium and China.Initially, these flights carried medical supplies from Europe to China as the Covid-19 crisis was building there.Now, the flights are transporting supplies such as facemasks to Belgium from China. In the last week ...

  • News

    European pharma sector calls on the EU to keep medicine supply chains flowing


    Medicines for Europe (MfE) has called on the European Union (EU) to keep international borders open and to secure trade flows for medicines and key ingredients for their manufacture in India, the US and China.The pharma sector representative body states in a letter to the European Commission: “Our industry also ...

  • News

    IATA expects cargo traffic to drop by more than 15% in 2020


    IATA is projecting that cargo demand could drop by more than 15% in 2020 as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.IATA global head of cargo Glyn Hughes said that figures set to be released in the coming days show that global demand in freight tonne km terms (FTK) was down ...

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    BIFA urges Brexit transition extension amid COVID-19 disruption


    The British International Freight Association (BIFA) is urging the government to apply for an extension of the Brexit transition period, as the coronavirus pandemic continues cause disruption.Robert Keen, director general of BIFA says that with negotiations between the EU and UK now stalled, it would be irresponsible of the UK ...

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    Beijing moves to beef up air cargo capacity


    Beijing will take steps to bolster domestic and international air cargo capacity amid the global coronavirus pandemic, including support for air freight companies and logistics firms.The official China Daily newspaper quotes premier Li Keqiaing as stating that the massive reduction in global air traffic has created issues for supply chains ...

  • Lufthansa A330 Cabin loaded with cargo

    Airlines fill passenger seats with cargo to meet demand


    Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines and LATAM have been loading up passenger seats with cargo as they try to keep their aircraft as full as possible.Earlier today, a Lufthansa Airbus A330 passenger aircraft loaded with around 30 tons of medical goods landed in Frankfurt today after an 11 hour flight from Shanghai ...

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    COVID-19: FTA calls for extension of Brexit transition period


    The UK logistics industry is calling on the Westminster government to seek an extension of the transition period for leaving the European Union (EU), citing the challenges posed by the COVID-19 virus in implementing new legislation.FTA, the business group representing the logistics sector, wants the transition period extended beyond the ...

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    Frankfurt airport secures supply chains as cargo demand soars


    Frankfurt airport is providing its full cargo infrastructure to meet the rise in freight flights to North America, south-east Asia and China, demand for which is expected to increase further.“Together with all players in the airfreight industry, we are doing our best to make up for a loss in capacities ...

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    Turkish Cargo, Air Canada and Aeromexico using passenger aircraft as freighters


    Turkish Airlines, Aeromexico and Air Canada have joined the increasing number of airlines using passenger aircraft as freighters during the coronavirus pandemic.Turkish Cargo operated the first of its cargo flights with a passenger aircraft on March 20 with a Boeing 777 on the Istanbul-Kiev route, and is to operate cargo ...

  • News

    COVID-19: US forwarders and truckers seek government financial and operational support


    The US-based Airforwarders Association (AfA) has provided the White House and Congress with a list of written suggestions “critical to the survival of the air cargo industry” as its members struggle against the economic impact of the coronavirus.In a letter on behalf of AfA members, executive director Brandon Fried recommends ...

  • ethiopian

    Ethiopian Cargo in medical supplies freighter flight


    Ethiopian Cargo and Logistics Services has transported emergency medical supplies from Jack Ma, the founder of China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba, to support the fight against COVID-19.A freighter flight carrying 108 tons of test kits and other healthcare products took off from Guangzhou in China and arrived at Addis Ababa Bole ...

  • LATAM cargo-only passenger flights SCL-MEX

    LATAM Cargo utilises freighters and passenger aircraft to meet demand spike


    LATAM cargo-only passenger flights SCL-MEXLATAM Cargo has modified its freighter itinerary in order to address capacity shortages caused by the cancellation of passenger flights in response to the coronavirus outbreak.The airline, which operates 11 B767-300F, has increased freighter capacity between Santiago (Chile) and Miami (US) fivefold in order to offer ...

  • (From left to right) Brian Akers, Vice President Sales, PayCargo; Lionel van der Walt, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of The Americas, PayCargo; and Leo Hanon, Assistant Vice President Operations, PayCargo

    PayCargo launches communication mechanism to meet Covid-19 supply chain challenges


    (From left to right) Brian Akers, Vice President Sales, PayCargo; Lionel van der Walt, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of The Americas, PayCargo; and Leo Hanon, Assistant Vice President Operations, PayCargoOnline payment company PayCargo has launched a free communication mechanism that allows vendors such as airlines, ship terminals, and ...

  • News

    Astral adjusts freighter schedule


    African freighter operator Astral Aviation has adjusted its flight schedule in response to the coronavirus outbreak.The carrier said that key staff will continue working at its headquarters at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport while the rest of its staff will be working from home and will be accessible at all ...

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    Heathrow to boost cargo capacity in the fight against COVID-19


    Heathrow Airport has called on more airlines and freight companies to maximise the use of the hub’s quieter flight schedule in the fight against COVID-19.Logistics companies have already begun importing key equipment such as COVID-19 testing kits via Heathrow in preparation for increased demand.Next week, Heathrow’s cargo movements are forecast ...