Checkport has been listed as the first Swiss company in the European Union (EU) database as an Independent Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the Union from a Third Country Airport (ACC3) EU validator.

Checkport, a subsidiary of Swissport International, can carry out validations for airlines, logistic companies and as well as production companies worldwide.

ACC3 is required in order for carriers to fly cargo into or through the European Union, including Switzerland, Norway and Iceland.

Since July 2014, most carrier stations in third countries (non-EU countries) are required to have undergone an audit to obtain an EU Aviation Security Validation to acquire or maintain their ACC3 designation.

“We are very proud to complete our overall Cargo security competence with the ACC3 certification,” said Daniel Steffen, chief executive of Checkport Switzerland.

In order to obtain the ACC3 status, an air carrier needs to submit its relevant air cargo security programme to an independent ACC3 EU Security Validator.

After verification of the security program through Checkport, an on-site inspection will take place. Finally, a report will be generated and provided to the appropriate authority of an EU member state, including Switzerland, Norway and Iceland.