Cargolux Italia has received the 2015 Invest In Lombardy – Lombardia International Hub Award at a ceremony on 12 October at the Palazzo di Regione Lombardia in Milan. Pierandrea Galli, Cargolux Italia’s chief executive, has accepted the award on behalf of the Cargolux Italia team and the Cargolux Group. The award honors Cargolux Italia’s high value investments in Lombardy over the past years.

The event, which featured as special guests Lombardy Region president Roberto Maroni, Unioncamere Lombardia president Gian Domenico Auricchio, and Regional Ministry of Production Activities, Research and Innovation, Mario Melazzini, has attracted high-profile chief executives from both Italy and abroad, along with representatives from a number of Italian banks and institutions.

The Invest in Lombardy Award 2015 is presented for the second year. The event is part of the Invest in Lombardy Days, a ten day conference that focuses on improving foreign direct investments in Italy and more specifically in Lombardy Region.

“I am very proud to accept this award on behalf of the Cargolux family,” says Mr. Galli. “Cargolux Italia has served the Italian shipping community for six years and to see our efforts honored in this way is a significant sign of acceptance for our work. I thank our partners for the honor bestowed on us and our team for their relentless hard work in offering the best possible service to Italian shippers.”
