Business – Page 142

  • News

    One marriage made in heaven


    THE announcement that Lufthansa Cargo and Chapman Freeborn Airchartering are to work closely together in a unique marketing and operational alliance is of particular interest.In the air cargo business, it’s not often that one can exclaim: ‘Now THAT makes sense’.Although vastly different organisations, both companies share some of the same ...

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    Air cargo faces a sex change


    HAVE you noticed that women are – at last – making a significant invasion of the upper ecehelons of air cargo management.In this past 12 months, we have been delighted to report the appointments of around a dozen or so women into senior air cargo-related roles, all around the world ...

  • News



    WAS it naïve to think airlines, shippers and for­­­warders could come together in the spirit of co-operation and right the industry in one jolly fellowship?Over a year on from the birth of GACAG and at the World Cargo Symposium in March, held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), the delegates – voting ...

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    Argentina seizes US’ ‘illegal’ weaponry


    ARGENTINA seized cargo from a US military freighter flying into Buenos Aires in February claiming that it was smuggled weaponry. Two weeks later the issue has still not been resolved threatening US-Argentine relations and trade flow.Facing international criticism for its actions, Amado Boudou, Argentina’s economy minister, said he found it ...

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    India seizes UAE aircraft for illegally carrying weapons


    A UAE Air Force C-130 Hercules on its way to China was detained at Kolkata (Calcutta) airport for illegally carrying weapons.The aircraft was stopping overnight to refuel en route from Abu Dhabi to the northern Chinese city of Xianyang. It had all the necessary clearances to land in India, but ...

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    Legal tangle leads to seized IL-78


    A CARGO plane impounded at a Michigan (US) airport is at the centre of a legal, administrative and immigration row.The Ilyushin IL-78 (like the one on the right belonging to the Russian Air Force) was blocked with a snowplow and sanding trucks at Sawyer International Airport by the local sheriff’s ...

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    Legal vultures prepare for EU cargo cartel claims windfall


    AIR Cargo News has learned that the EU is likely to reveal the results of its enquiry into cargo cartel activities by airlines by the end of September, and possibly even as early as late July. And as the airlines that have already agreed to pay massive fines in the ...