Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) has approved Aeronautical Engineers, Inc (AEI) supplemental type certificate (STC) for the 12-pallet position B737-800SF freighter conversion.
AEI has gained STC approval in the US, China, Europe, UK, Canada, Cayman Islands, Guernsey and now ANAC approvals for its B737-800SF.
AEI is also currently the only conversion company to have ETOPS 180 approval on the 737-800 freighter conversion.
The ETOPS 180 approval allows the B737-800SF freighter to fly 180-minute extended operations over water and remote regions.
Without ETOPS approval aircraft must be within 60 minutes flying time of an airport where they can make an emergency landing.
The AEI converted B737-800SF freighter offers a maindeck payload of up to 23.9 tonnes and incorporates eleven full height 88” x 125” container positions, plus an additional position for an AEP/AEH.