AIR Charter Service’s (ACS) opening of a new office in Toronto has led to a string of promotions around the world. The Toronto office – ACS’ tenth – will be headed by Gary Hopkins (right), who was previously cargo sales director in New York.“Having worked in New York for the past three years I feel confident and excited about opening the Toronto office,” said Hopkins. “This is a great new challenge for myself and Air Charter Service, and the first step in our expansion in North America”.Replacing him in New York is Stuart Smith, who was the company’s sales director cargo in Dubai.Ruan Courtney, president of ACS New York, said: “Whilst we’re sorry to lose Gary, Stuart is a more than qualified replacement. Gary will thrive in the newly founded Toronto office, and Stuart can pick up where he left off.Three’s a charm as Nick Harris, already in Dubai steps into Smith’s shoes as cargo sales manager Middle East.Nick said: “This is an exciting time to be taking over from where Stuart left off. Last year we grew a considerable amount here in the Dubai office, and smashed our targets despite the state of the economy. Purely on the cargo side of the business we more than doubled the amount of charters we performed in 2008. A lot of this business has been flying into, and out of, Iraq and Afghanistan - both cargo and passengers”.