DREWRY'S east-west air freight price index rose 1.5 points in April to 104.3, the second consecutive month of pricing gains and the highest index level since the end of 2013.

The index, compiled by Drewry Sea & Air Shipper Insight, represents a weighted average of air freight rates across 21 east-west trades.

Drewry anticipated that the trade would hold onto the pricing gains of March, “as this time of year usually heralds some recovery in seasonal demand, which buoys pricing.”

Asia-origin traffic is boosted by high-end summer fashion apparel and more high tech consumer goods launches.

“The fact that the trade managed to sustain pricing gains made in March into April, provides further evidence of improving market conditions, “ said a spokesperson for the London-based consultancy.

However, Drewry expects overall pricing to fall in the coming months, as more seasonal bellyhold capacity comes into the market.