AIR India has announced plans to sell its six freighters. The airline said the move was due to its plans to split its cargo division off into a separate subsidiary have now become remote.

“We are looking at selling out our six Boeing 737-200 freighters as the plans to have a dedicated cargo business through a subsidiary are unlikely to take off now,” Air India said.

The freighters were converted from passenger jets in 2007 when Air India had plans to launch a dedicated domestic cargo service.

The six Boeing 737-200 freighters belongs to the erstwhile Indian Airlines and were converted into cargo planes from passengers aircraft in 2007 as the airline had plans to launch a dedicated domestic cargo service, using Nagpur as its as the hub.

The airline is already selling four A310-300 freighters, aircraft that had also been converted for the cargo service at a cost of US$40 million.

Air India currently has debts of nearly $4 billion.