All Air cargo people news articles

  • Hans van der Zwet

    Consultant SASI appoints van der Zwet


    Hans van der ZwetConsultant Strategic Aviation Solutions International (SASI) has appointed Hans van der Zwet to its management team.Van der Zwet will be based in Amsterdam and SASI president and chief executive Stan Wraight said he brings the highest level of knowledge and the "skill sets needed in today's IT ...

  • John Lloyd  - Air Canada Cargo

    John Lloyd finds his feet at Air Canada Cargo


    John Lloyd - Air Canada CargoJohn Lloyd joined Air Canada Cargo in January but officially took up the role of director of cargo for the Europe, Middle East and India region in April.Lloyd is well known and respected in the air cargo industry having worked at Virgin Atlantic Cargo ...

  • Céline Hourcade

    Hourcade leaves IATA after 13 years


    Céline HourcadeIATA's head of cargo innovation Celine Hourcade has announced she is leaving the organisation after more than 13 years.Hourcade revealed the news in a LinkedIn post, saying she planned to take a long summer break before starting on a new adventure."This is with both sadness and excitement that I ...