THE air cargo industry may be facing a critical shortage of capable managers and business leaders.

The warning comes after a two-year research project led by The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA), with active participation from IATA and forwarder association FIATA.

Published results on the educational needs for the next generation of air cargo industry managers has found that new managers must not only possess basic business skills and detailed operational knowledge, but also those ‘higher-skills’, which include leadership, team-building as well as market and financial analysis.

While there are existing training modules to teach the fundamental skills, the availability of air cargo-focused programmes that teach the higher-level of disciplines is very limited.

The report stresses that without access to such educational programmes, the air cargo industry faces the difficulty of attracting and equipping qualified managers to lead the industry through future challenges.

“The industry must address this shortcoming to ensure it maintains its long history of innovation, quality service provision and robust financial performance,” says a summary.

There is potential for the creation of a certificated or accredited qualification – and this may assist in the overall goal, the statement adds.

As part of its effort, the task force has compiled a comprehensive educational matrix identifying existing courses and areas of deficiency. See

Another major risk is the ‘brain-drain’ migration of top air cargo managers to other sectors of the logistics industry or to other industries.

“Both scenarios put the air cargo industry at a competitive leadership disadvantage,” the statement adds.