TIACA has been involved in talks with regulators over the development of a Pre-Loading Advance Air Cargo Information (PLACI) system to help countries looking to establish advanced data requirements.

At the fifth session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the World Customs Organization (WCO) Joint Working Group on advance cargo discussions were held over the creation of the PLACI system.

Doug Brittin represented TIACA at the talks in Geneva, Switzerland, which included regulators from the US, Canada, the EU, New Zealand, The Netherlands, France, Singapore, Ireland, the UK, and Saudi Arabia.

Also represented was the Universal Postal Union, the International Federation of Freight Forwarder Associations, the IATA and the Global Express Association (GEA).

Delegates discussed issues relating to the development of a common framework for the establishment of systems for states that are considering advanced data programmes.

TIACA has been pushing for a uniform approach to advanced data requirements to avoid a patchwork of regimes.

The association, which represents members from across the supply chain, has been working with Europe’s DG Mobility and Transport on its advanced-data requirement that is set to begin implementation this year.