New CargoAi feature aims to make batch bookings smarter

Photo: Travel mania/ Shutterstock

Digital technology platform CargoAi has launched a new feature designed to simplify and automate batch pre-booking and allotment for air cargo capacity to eliminate the repetitive manual shipment-by-shipment process and reduce the potential for errors.

CargoAi’s “Allotment” feature ultimately aims to streamline the air cargo capacity booking process for freight forwarders and remove manual repetitive tasks.

The feature allows freight forwarders to secure space in batches on flights more easily for timely and consistent shipment deliveries – cutting down the overall process from days, waiting for confirmations from multiple airlines, down to a few seconds due to the batch allotment upload solution & instant confirmation feature.

“Our new Allotment feature represents a significant leap forward in our mission to digitize and simplify the air cargo booking process,” said Matt Petot, chief executive of CargoAi.

“By automating space bookings, we are not only saving time for our users but also increasing their operational efficiency. This is a game-changer for large and medium-size freight forwarders who heavily rely on regular and reliable cargo space.”

The solution – already adopted by multiple small & large forwarders – offers a plug & play solution into existing processes and helps reducing the operational workload by up to 99% for allotment bookings, said CargoAi

The new solution has four main benefits, according to CargoAi. Firstly, forwarders can speed up their operations by pre-booking their allotment space in batches instead of asking and chasing confirmation shipment per shipment.

Secondly, forwarders gain more control over the allotment booking flow, including frequency, in accordance with airlines’ booking windows. This feature empowers users to manage their bookings autonomously, without reliance on intermediaries nor the need to chase confirmation.

The feature also offers flexibility as forwarders can generate bookings directly from their CargoMART account with the ability to modify or cancel as needed. Modifications and cancellations are subject to conditions defined and agreed upon providing users with the flexibility to adapt to changing needs.

Users can also track and trace all allotment bookings directly in-app and via email ensuring full transparency and real-time updates on shipment status.

As of last month, CargoQUALITY enables freight forwarders using CargoMART to see every airline’s quality performance on their selected flight route. 

CargoAi adds delivery performance quality data to CargoMART



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Rebecca Jeffrey

Rebecca Jeffrey
New to aviation journalism, I joined Air Cargo News in late 2021 as deputy editor. I previously worked for Mercator Media’s six maritime sector magazines as a reporter, heading up news for Port Strategy. Prior to this, I was editor for Recruitment International (now TALiNT International). Contact me on: [email protected]