Cargo handler PACTL has upgraded the Cargo Management System (CMS) used at three of its cargo terminals at Pudong International Airport, as well as its terminal at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport.
The upgrade sees the CMS used upgraded to Hermes 5, which offers Cargo iQ messaging services such as FOW and FIW and access to pay as you go services covering API links, business intelligence and track and trace.
The two companies said that the upgrade was completed within a short window and that there was minimal downtime.
The upgrade included gap analysis, database optimisation, and training delivered in Chinese through the Hermes Learning Management System.
“This was an upgrade, but on a massive scale that required comprehensive discovery work and preparation to ensure the switchover was both simultaneous and short, and downtime was reduced as much as possible,” said Yuval Baruch, chief executive of Hermes Logistics Technologies (HLT).
“A key element of the project was the integration of Hermes 5 with other technology partners working with PACTL, through our standard and bespoke APIs. These enable full integration with other solutions, so data can be shared and operational efficiencies gained.”
Pactl deputy general manager, vice president sales & marketing and production, Carsten Hernig, said: “This upgrade has opened the door for us to provide customised services while also improving operational convenience. The partnership with HLT enhances our operational efficiency and ensures we stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the air cargo industry.”