ST Engineering’s aerospace unit will more than double the number of Airbus A321 passenger-to-freighter (A321P2F) conversions annually, amid a surge in demand in the freight market during the coronavirus outbreak.
The company confirmed that it is planning to increase conversion capability from nine a year to 25 a year by 2023.
This will be done by setting up A321P2F capabilities at its existing airframe MRO facilities in the US and China. A321P2F conversions are currently done in Singapore and at its EFW joint venture facility in Germany.
ST Engineering told FlightGlobal that its Guangzhou unit — ST Engineering Aerospace Guangzhou Aviation Services — as well as its San Antonio unit — VT San Antonio Aerospace — will be equipped to handle A321P2F operations.
In February, European authorities certified the A321P2F conversion, following the maiden flight of the first converted aircraft in January.
Lease management firm BBAM also signed a general terms agreement at the end of last year for “several” A321P2F conversions, states EFW. Its first aircraft was inducted in January for modification in Singapore and conversion of a second will start in March.
ST Engineering leasing venture Keystone Holdings has also reached a letter of intent with Qantas for conversion and lease of an A321P2F for delivery at the end of 2021.