Silk Way West Airlines has invested in Mantle fire containment covers (FCCs), manufactured by AmSafe Bridport, to maximise safety during the transportation of "volatile cargo, such as lithium ion batteries and related products".
Jason Abbott, president, AmSafe Bridport, explained: "The industry has witnessed recent incidents where two main carriers effectively contained Lithium-ion cargo fires with Mantle fire containment covers. Ultimately our FCC products reduce risk, improve safety and more importantly save lives.
"We are delighted that Silk Way West (SWW) Airlines have made the decision to use our FCC products and set a benchmark in the industry for transporting cargo and people safely."
Emile Khasanshin, SWW's vice president global cargo logistics, added: "We are further investing into cargo and fight safety measures that are paramount for our airline, and I am happy we found a robust yet cost-effective solution."
In 2018 AmSafe Bridport successfully tested its Mantle fire container cover on an AKE container with 2000 batteries, 2L Ethanol and a Class A material. This test was followed by the world's largest successful lithium ion test comprising 5400 batteries inside an AMJ container, again with a Mantle FCC.
Silk Way West aims to be 100% covered in all areas of fire containment within the next year.