Astral Aerial Solutions, an affiliate company of Astral Aviation, has collaborated with Japanese drone manufacturer Yamaha Motor Company to provide last-mile air cargo delivery solutions in Kenya.
The deal, which was completed at the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7) last week, will see Astral Aerial Solutions providing market entry support for the new Yamaha FAZER R G2 automated navigation drone, which was developed for the industrial sector and has a maximum payload of 35kg, maximum altitude of 2,800 m, and cruising range of 90 km.
Sanjeev Gadhia, chief executive and founder of Astral Aerial Solutions, said the firm will promote the use of drones for remote deliveries and other agricultural services to the Kenyan market.
“At Astral Aerial Solutions, our mission is to create a drone-revolution in Africa by adapting technology and innovation, so that Africa can leapfrog to the future," said Gadhia at TICAD7.